To love our world with the love of Christ
We are passionate about transforming lives through
God-focused praise,
and relationships.
We are a church of Christ that has been saved by God through the blood of Jesus
for the service to the world.
The Holy Spirit works through each believer by conviction and equipping us with gifts so that we can influence others to become closer to God.
At WHC we are a safe place for people to run to when they need
and accountability.
We believe in the Trinity…
God is our Father, the Creator, and the Sustainer of all things.
Jesus is God’s Son who came to earth as the Incarnate God in the flesh, He was born of a woman, lived a sinless life, died on a cross, was raised from the dead,
and He will return to this world to call His people home.
The Holy Spirit convicts of our sins, He is the giver of gifts for the building up of the Body,
He comforts us in times of trouble and guides us in prayer.
We believe in the Bible…
It is a God-Breathed, authoritative guide that is infallible and is a light for my daily walk.
We believe in Salvation…
Redemption is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior; we pledge our life to Him in baptism, and live our lives in response to what He has done for us
through the cross.
We believe in Worship…
Our assemblies are a time of reflection for what God has done - and is doing - through His people. There is transformation and celebration, we assemble to encourage and lift each other up.
We also have a time of Communion each week to remember the life of Jesus.
We believe in Prayer…
There is spiritual depth and life sustaining intimacy with the Creator through the power of prayer.
We believe God answers prayer.